

Sent during the first phase of a match. This event gives a full description of what match is being played.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
timestampuint641The timestamp when the match starts.
categorystring2The category of the match setup event.
mapstring3The map where the match is taking place.
playlistNamestring4The name of the playlist.
playlistDescstring5The description of the playlist.
datacenterDatacenter6Datacenter information.
aimAssistOnbool7Indicates if aim assist is enabled.
serverIdstring8The server ID.

Datacenter Message Fields

Field NameTypeTagDescription
namestring1The name of the datacenter.


Sent whenever the match changes phases (e.g., prematch, playing).

Field NameTypeTagDescription
timestampuint641The timestamp when the game state changed.
categorystring2The category of the game state change event.
statestring3The new state of the game after the change.


Occurs when any player has locked in a character during legend select.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
timestampuint641The timestamp when the character was selected.
categorystring2The category of the event, e.g., “character_selected”.
playerPlayer3The player who has selected a character.


Event to summarize the match after it has ended.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
timestampuint641The timestamp when the match ended.
categorystring2The category of the event, e.g., “match_state_end”.
statestring3The final state of the match.
winnersPlayer[]4A list of players who won the match.


Fired whenever the ring begins moving in a match.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
timestampuint641The timestamp when the ring started closing.
categorystring2The category of the event, e.g., “ring_start_closing”.
stageuint323The current stage of the ring closing.
centerVector34The center point of the ring.
currentRadiusfloat5The current radius of the ring.
endRadiusfloat6The radius of the ring at the end of the closing phase.
shrinkDurationfloat7The duration of time for the ring to finish closing.


Used when the ring has finished moving and prior to it moving again.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
timestampuint641The timestamp when the ring finished closing.
categorystring2The category of the event, e.g., “ring_finished_closing”.
stageuint323The stage of the match when the ring finished closing.
centerVector34The center point of the ring after it has finished closing.
currentRadiusfloat5The current radius of the ring after it has finished closing.
shrinkDurationfloat7The duration of time until the ring starts moving again.


Used when a player has connected to the match.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
timestampuint641The timestamp when the player connected.
categorystring2The category of the event, e.g., “player_connected”.
playerPlayer3The player who has connected to the match.


Used when a player has disconnected, even temporarily.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
timestampuint641The timestamp when the player disconnected.
categorystring2The category of the event, e.g., “player_disconnected”.
playerPlayer3The player who has disconnected.
canReconnectbool4Indicates if the player can reconnect to the match.
isAlivebool5Indicates if the player was alive in the game at the time of disconnect.


Generic event for a change in player stats.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
timestampuint641The timestamp when the player stat changed.
categorystring2The category of the event, e.g., “player_stat_changed”.
playerPlayer3The player whose stat has changed.
statNamestring4The name of the stat that changed.
newValueuint325The new value of the stat.


Event used to notify when a player goes above their current tier level.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
timestampuint641The timestamp when the player’s upgrade tier changed.
categorystring2The category of the event, e.g., “player_upgrade_tier_changed”.
playerPlayer3The player whose upgrade tier has changed.
levelint324The new level of the player after the upgrade tier change.

Last updated 14 Apr 2024, 12:21 +0700 . history