
Not used directly, but as part of other messages.


This message is sent upon successfully connecting over WebSockets

Field NameTypeTagDescription
timestampuint641The timestamp when the connection was successfully initialized.
categorystring2The category of the message, e.g., “traffic_initialization”.
gameVersionstring3The version of the game client.
apiVersionVersion4The version of the API being used, as defined by the Version message.
platformstring5The platform the client is running on.
namestring6Session name specified by cl_liveapi_session_name.


Field NameTypeTagDescription
xfloat1The X coordinate.
yfloat2The Y coordinate.
zfloat3The Z coordinate.


Field NameTypeTagDescription
namestring1The player’s name.
teamIduint322The player’s team ID.
posVector33The player’s position.
anglesVector34The player’s viewing angles.
currentHealthuint325The player’s current health.
maxHealthuint326The player’s maximum health.
shieldHealthuint327The player’s current shield health.
shieldMaxHealthuint328The player’s maximum shield health.
nucleusHashstring9Unique identifier for the player.
hardwareNamestring10The name of the player’s hardware.
teamNamestring11The name of the player’s team.
squadIndexuint3212The player’s squad index.
characterstring13The character the player has selected.
skinstring14The skin the player has selected for the character.


Field NameTypeTagDescription
namestring1The player’s name.
teamIduint322The player’s team ID.
nucleusHashstring3Unique identifier for the player.
hardwareNamestring4The name of the player’s hardware.


Field NameTypeTagDescription
timestampuint641The timestamp.
categorystring2The category of event.
namestring3The name of datacenter.


Field NameTypeTagDescription
major_numuint321The major version number.
minor_numuint322The minor version number.
build_stampuint323The build stamp.
revisionstring4The version revision.


Field NameTypeTagDescription
quantityint321The quantity of the item.
itemstring2The item identifier.
extraDatastring3Any mods or additional info on the item.


Field NameTypeTagDescription
weaponsInventoryItem[]1A list of InventoryItem representing the weapons in the loadout.
equipmentInventoryItem[]2A list of InventoryItem representing the equipment in the loadout.


Response to the CustomMatch_GetLobbyPlayers, contains the list of all players in the lobby.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
playerTokenstring1Custom match lobby join code.
playersCustomMatch_LobbyPlayer[]2A list of CustomMatch_LobbyPlayer representing all players in the lobby.


Message used to indicate the status of a request. Generally, it is used to provide a plain text, detailed response in case of failures or problems

Field NameTypeTagDescription
statusstring1A detailed response of a Request message.

Last updated 13 Apr 2024, 13:22 -0400 . history