

Request to change the observer camera. Be aware of server conditions affecting request fulfillment.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
targetoneof {poi, name}-Target for the camera change: either PlayerOfInterest (poi) or name.
poiPlayerOfInterest1Set the camera to an interesting player (e.g., the Kill Leader).
namestring2Change camera to a player by name. Name string length limit: 256 characters.


Request message to toggle pause in a match type that supports it.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
preTimerfloat1Pre-timer duration before the pause takes effect.


Request to create a custom match lobby. No fields are required for this request.


Request to join an existing custom match lobby identified by the roleToken.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
roleTokenstring1Token identifying the lobby to join.


Request to leave a custom match lobby. No fields are required for this request.


Request to programmatically change your player’s ready state in a custom match lobby.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
isReadybool1New ready state of the player.


Request to retrieve all connected players in a custom match lobby and lobby code or playerToken. This request will be replied to with CustomMatch_LobbyPlayers. No fields are required for this request.


Request to change the state of matchmaking in a custom match lobby.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
enabledbool1When true, the lobby will attempt to begin a match.


Request to assign a particular player to a specific team.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
teamIdint321Team ID across the entire lobby. Observers have a teamId of 0.
targetHardwareNamestring2Hardware name of the target player.
targetNucleusHashstring3Nucleus hash of the target player.


Request to remove a player from the currently connected custom match lobby.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
targetHardwareNamestring1Hardware name of the target player.
targetNucleusHashstring2Nucleus hash of the target player.


Request to alter the settings of a custom match lobby. The request should specify all fields being set with the new value. For convinience, call CustomMatch_GetSettings to get the full state of settings.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
playlistNamestring1Name of current custom match playlist.
adminChatbool2Restricts chat messages to only admins.
teamRenamebool3Restricts team renaming to only admins.
selfAssignbool4Allows players to asign themselves to teams.
aimAssistbool5All players will use PC aim assist values.
anonModebool6Anonymize the display of players’ names to other players.


Review all the current settings. This request will be replied to with CustomMatch_SetSettings from which you can modify and reply with any new values for your convenience. No fields are required for this request.


Request to set the name of a team in custom match lobby.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
teamIdint321Target teamId of name change.
teamNamestring2New name of team.


Request to programatically send a chat message to the entire custom match lobby.

Field NameTypeTagDescription
textstring1Text of chat message.

Last updated 14 Apr 2024, 12:21 +0700 . history